Etfo New Contract

The Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has recently reached a new contract agreement with the Ontario government, ending months of negotiations and a work-to-rule campaign by teachers.

Under the new contract, ETFO members will see a salary increase of one percent for the first two years and 1.5 percent in the final two years. This is in addition to the two percent wage increase that was already included in the previous contract.

The union has also secured job protection for its members, with the government agreeing not to lay off any permanent teachers due to budget constraints. Additionally, the contract includes a commitment to reduce class sizes, improve access to mental health services for students, and provide additional funding for special education.

The ETFO has been one of the most vocal unions in the province in advocating for improvements to Ontario`s education system, with concerns ranging from school funding to curriculum changes. Their work-to-rule campaign, which began in November 2019, saw teachers unwilling to perform certain administrative tasks outside of regular school hours.

The agreement between the ETFO and the Ontario government is a positive step forward for both parties and for Ontario`s education system as a whole. With more funding for special education and mental health services, students will have better access to the support they need to succeed in school. The commitment to reduce class sizes will also lead to more personalized attention for each student, allowing for more individualized learning and a better educational experience overall.

Overall, the ETFO`s new contract represents a victory for teachers and students alike. With improved working conditions and more support for students, the future looks brighter for Ontario`s education system.